Fellowship for Families
& Intergenerational Events
During the school year (September through May)
Second Sunday of each month
After the 10am service
All Grace families with children ages 0–18 are invited to gather in the lower level for fellowship. These get-togethers provide an opportunity for families to connect socially, form friendships, and support one another during their child-raising years. Gatherings include a unique activity followed by lunch served in the Guild Hall. Activities range from family art projects to service projects and field trips. Contact Pat Werk to learn more.
Right: Each winter, Grace Family Gatherings organizes a winter scarf donation for the Tree Scarf project in January, during which anyone walking by who is cold is welcome to take a scarf to stay warm.
Throughout the year EVERYONE from the parish is invited for a variety of events, such as…
Making holiday cards and delivering them with a plant to our homebound
Sundae Sunday—build your own sundae during coffee hour. (This event coincides with Youth Sunday, when the middle and high schoolers take on the roles as ushers, readers, and communion ministers during the 10am service.)
Special parish outings, including trips to CTM productions at the Overture Center and cheering on the Madison Mallards at Warner Park.
Advent Wreath Workshop, St. Nicholas Day, St. Lucia, the ever-popular Christmas pageant, and the 4pm Christmas Eve Family Service fill the Advent season with fun for all generations!
Pancake Dinner & Races on Shrove Tuesday, an Anglican, pre-lent tradition!