Creating a More Just Community
In response to the “Race to Equity” report produced by the Wisconsin Council for Children and Families, the many shootings by police of unarmed African-Americans across the country, and statewide mass incarceration, the Creating a More Just Community working group emerged at Grace Episcopal Church in 2015.
The group’s first efforts involved the organization of a series of lectures held at Grace that same year and the development of partnerships with Madison Jail Ministry and MOSES.
Currently, members of Creating More Just Community is active in advocacy, education, and volunteering with other agencies that offer services to formerly incarcerated people and people experiencing homelessness.
If you have ideas or would like to get involved in this effort,
please contact one of the members of the
Creating More Just Community working group:
Mary Ann Cook
Lynn Felhofer
Jonathan Grieser
Kathy Harker
Francine Hartman
Jane Henning
Eileen Hocker
Ann Hodges
Lynn McDonald
Carol Smith
Susan Webster