Sunday morning services at Grace are made possible by a diverse team of volunteers: some read scriptures, some offer healing prayers, while others greet visitors or prepare the elements for the Holy Eucharist. New volunteers are always welcome to join a worship team. Please contact Christina in the church office for more information. 


Young people (grades 5 through high school) and adults take part in Sunday worship through tasks such as lighting of the candles, carrying of the crucifix, and assistance with the Holy Eucharist. Teams are set up to serve the same Sunday every month (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th) with volunteers signing up to serve in months with a 5th Sunday.

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir provides music for the 10am Sunday Eucharist, holidays, and other services. The choir includes singers from grade 9 through adult and rehearses on Thursdays from 7:15pm to 8:45pm and Sunday mornings, September through May. Interested singers with some experience in choral music are welcome to audition. To learn more about our Choir, please contact Choir Director Berkley Guse

Altar Guild

St. Margaret's Altar Guild is a service guild devoted to the care of altar vessels, utensils, vestments, flowers, and other pieces essential to worship at Grace. Guild members sign up to serve with a team of three to four people, choosing the dates they are available to serve. Teams usually meet on Saturday mornings to prepare for Sunday worship. 

Healing Prayer Team

Members of the Healing Prayer Team are available every Sunday in the chapel during 10am communion to offer prayers for those who request them. Two people each Sunday sign up to serve. 

Usher's Guild

Ushers play an important role in greeting incoming parishioners and visitors to the 10am Sunday services. They hand out bulletins, take up the collection, direct communicants to the altar rail during the Eucharist, and keep a general lookout for anyone who might need assistance. Ushers are scheduled on teams of four which rotate throughout the year.

Compassion Circle

Compassion Circle assists the clergy and bereaved families for church funerals and memorial services. The Circle sets up and serves at requested receptions in the Cornelia Vilas Hall, and generally tries to make all aspects surrounding the services easier for the families.  

Service Ministers

Service Ministers volunteer to assist with four different aspects of worship:

  • Lay Readers: two readers are assigned for the 10am service— one for each scripture reading

  • Eucharistic Ministers: three people are assigned each week to assist with the Holy Eucharist

  • Prayers of the People: one person is assigned to lift up the morning's responsive prayers

  • Tellers: two members of the vestry, or former members, are assigned to count the offering after the 10am service

Service Ministers are scheduled through the church office using an online Doodle survey. Ministers receive the survey at the end of every month, selecting the dates they would be available to serve. Office staff use the survey results to put together what is called a ROTA Schedule which outlines all the worship teams in a monthly glance. As with all volunteers, the process is a flexible one with substitutes on deck to serve in case schedules change. Please contact the church office to learn more about becoming a Service Minister.

While a majority of our service ministers serve at the 10am service, the 8am service also requires one person to serve as acolyte/lector/Eucharistic minister as well as a second Eucharistic minister each week. 

Eucharistic Lay Visitors

Non-clergy (lay) members of Grace take Holy Communion to members unable to attend church regularly. To become a Eucharistic Minister or request the service, please contact Deacon Carol Smith.