Grace Food Pantry
The Grace Church Food Pantry has been a welcoming place for the hungry on the Capitol Square for over 50 years. Although housed at Grace Church, the pantry has its own budget and relies on federal and state funding and donations from community members to fill the shelves with food week after week.
Our Pantry Coordinator manages dedicated volunteers who make sure the over 300 families each month have access to:
packaged goods
fresh produce
toiletry items
Pantry Hours.
Please note: Our Saturday hours have changed beginning in June 2024. We are OPEN on the 1st & 3rd Saturdays from 10am-Noon. Weekday hours remain the same.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:
1:00pm to 3:00pmFIRST & THIRD Saturdays:
10am to Noon
Personal Essentials Pantry ("PEP Pantry")
1st & 3rd Saturday of each month:
10am to Noon
Using the Pantry
Please have information for each household member and proof of Wisconsin address.
Grace Emergency Food Pantry provides groceries based on documented family size and product availability.
Guests may visit one time per week.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing time. Late arrivals will not have access to a full choice menu.
We are not a meal site, nor do we provide case management services.
Late arrivals will not have access to a full menu. We cannot provide service outside of posted pantry hours. We are not a meal site. We do not provide take out meals or snacks.
The Pantry is located in the church courtyard on West Washington Ave.
Get Involved!
Monetary and food donations are ALWAYS WELCOME!
Long-term relationships with government agencies allow us to maximize the purchasing power of each donated dollar used for obtaining food. As the quality and variety of donated foods fluctuate each year, monetary gifts provide us with the flexibility to provide the optimal nutritional mix of foods.
If you'd rather donate a tangible good, consider these most-requested pantry items:
canned tuna or chicken
diapers of all sizes
baby wipes
We CANNOT accept clothing donations
Donations can be sent to:
Grace Food Pantry
116 West Washington Ave.
Madison, WI 53703
Donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
The Grace Food Pantry is a nonprofit organization. Please consult with your tax advisor.