Music at Grace Church
At the 11am service each Sunday the music of Grace finds its primary expression within the framework of the liturgy. Vibrant, beautiful, and meaningful expressions of our Anglican musical resources include psalmody, choir anthems, organ voluntaries, hymns, and other musical settings of liturgical texts. Use of "The Hymnal 1982" allows the congregation to lift up their voices in song.
Grace Chancel Choir
Music Director: Berkley Guse
The Grace Chancel Choir is open to singers ninth grade through adult. The choir sings at the Sunday 11am service from September to May and during special services, such as "Lessons and Carols" during Advent.
If you have questions about joining the Chancel Choir, please contact the Music Director Berkley Guse, (608) 831-7724, or find him after services.
Also, check out our music website HERE.
Special Musical Performances
Throughout the year, guest musicians are invited to participate with our Chancel Choir or organist. If you are interested in special music at Grace, please contact the Music Director.
Pipe Organ
Organist: Mark Brampton-Smith
Grace Church has a pipe organ history. But our current instrument, the Casavant Freres Opus 3639, was signed over the the organ committee and organist in December of 1987. Features of this magnificent instrument include:
three-manual pedal organ
1902 pipes
Shipped from Quebec; built piece by piece at Grace
Grace Presents
The architecture of Grace Church offers excellent acoustics, the perfect setting to listen music. In recognition of the joy of music in this space, the Grace Presents Concert Series was born. Grace Presents invites local musicians for a 1-hour concert on Saturdays at noon. These FREE concerts are an opportunity for Grace to inform the public about our social justice efforts and the More Just Community ministry. Learn more about the program by clicking here, or visit to view the concert schedule.
Madison Brass fills the nave with the sounds of horns during a GracePresents concert in 2016.