Get to know us.
Our congregation enjoys a diversity in age, race, ethnicity, and backgrounds, drawing from Madison's downtown, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and local neighborhoods. We also enjoy welcoming people who are visiting Madison from across the country and the world.. So we're proud to offer open doors to everyone.
Get to know Grace Church members —Get involved in one of our many fellowship groups and activities.
Our worship includes diverse offerings to meet the needs of those we serve, including the traditional language of Rite I and more contemporary language of Rite II, both offered on Sunday mornings. A short midweek Eucharist on Wednesdays during the lunch hour is a perfect way to break up the workday. Once a month the Eucharist is celebrated at nearby Capitol Lakes Retirement Community. And a growing variety of interfaith events and offerings are provided throughout the year to help build community in downtown Madison through celebration of liturgical seasons. Through…
…we offer a variety of ways to become part of our community, whether you are a committed follower of Christ, an occasional visitor who appreciates our programming, or fall somewhere in between.
We invite you to view slideshows presented at our Annual Meetings the past few years, which highlight WHO WE ARE at Grace Episcopal Church! (Click on an image below.)