
Amy Robinson
Senior Warden

I have been a part of the Grace family my entire life. My parent's, Jean and Bill Chatterton, were longtime members of Grace and now lie in the columbarium. I was Baptized here in 1960, attended Sunday school and was confirmed at Grace.My husband Scott and I were married here in 1984. Following our marriage, we and eventually our two boys (James and Quentin) began a 35 year, around the world odyssey with the US Navy but I always stayed close to Grace Church. When we visited my parents, we often attended services and of course heard all about the "goings on" from my mother. During our 35-year hiatus away from Madison we were active in various church communities, including at St. Francis Episcopal church in College Station, Texas where I was an active volunteer on several committees and a member of the Vestry just prior to moving back to Madison.

We always wanted to return to Madison following Scott's retirement and in 2019 I had the opportunity to transfer with my employer to a position here in Madison. After we arrived, I started attending services and joined a Bible study group during Lent in 2020. I thought, hooray, now I'm really going to get to meet new people. But not so fast and hello pandemic! Thankfully we are coming out of that and returning to a semblance of normal where we can work, play, and worship together. I have been on the Vestry for two years and the Junior Warden this past year. I am also the chairman of the Development Trust Fund and a member of the Parish Life committee.

Professionally, I am the Director of Manufacturing Science and Technology at Fujifilm CDI here in Madison where we develop and manufacture cell therapies for immune oncology and regenerative medicine indications. I enjoy swimming and rediscovered tennis during the pandemic. Our first grandchild (Henry) turned two this summer and he will be joined by a baby sister this winter. They live way too far away in Seattle so lots of travel is in our future.

Jeremy Schuurmans
Member, I of III

My family and I moved to Madison from the Pacific Northwest in 2020. Formerly Eastern Orthodox, we found our spiritual home in the Episcopal Church in early 2022x, and have been active members of the Grace community ever since.

I enjoy serving in a variety of ways at Grace, and try to lend a hand wherever needed. I am an acolyte, lector, and eucharistic minister. I am also actively involved with the Pride Committee, the Altar Guild, and the Healing Prayer Team, among other committees. As a member of the vestry, I look forward to bringing my energy, creativity, and leadership experience to serve the community and help further the mission of Grace Church.

Shelley Hansen-Blake
Member, I of III

My wife, Olwen, and I joined Grace Church in 2019 because we were looking for a welcoming faith community with a strong social justice mission. We certainly found it here. After retiring from a 35 year career in human services 4 years ago, supporting people with developmental and other disabilities, I was looking forward to finding new purpose and passion. I have since become a volunteer guardian for a woman with developmental disabilities, donate platelets and plasma regularly at the Red Cross, and co-chair the LGBTQ 50+ Alliance at the OutReach Community Center. Family is also a very important part of our lives, and we love spending time with our 5 grandchildren, as well as traveling when we can.

At Grace I have become an active member. I usher at the Sunday services, am on the Leadership team of Rector’s Guild, and most recently became co-leader of the Grace Church Pride Committee with Olwen This newly formed group has active membership from both people identifying as part of the LGBTQ+ community and Allies, with many creative ideas coming from those who identify as Allies.

Having grown up Roman Catholic, I appreciate the familiarity of the Sunday services, while welcoming the progressive attitudes and values of the congregation and clergy. The music is beautiful and the historic building is iconic. My wife and I have found our home at Grace Episcopal. It is my honor to serve on the Vestry and contribute my unique perspective to the leadership team.

Mary Schlaefer
Junior Warden

I have been involved with Grace since 2016. I value the many opportunities the Grace community offers for earnest reflection on what it means to be a Christian and what we are called to do as Christians today. I’m moved by the loving, generous spirit of the Grace community and commitment actively to address social injustice. I also find inspiration in Grace’s history and the beauty of the building and musical programming.

I have participated in Foyers, Bible Study, the Native American Dialogue and have volunteered serving lunch at the Beacon with Grace colleagues. I’ve served on the Vestry and the Grace Finance Committee for the past two years.

I welcome the opportunity to contribute what I can to Grace. In my professional life I have been an attorney and served as the CEO of a large non-profit organization. I’ll bring an understanding of financial and legal matters as well as property management to the role. I’m most excited to be a part of helping discern how Grace can best continue to be a beacon on the capitol square, providing love and care for all in our community. I will also focus on helping ensure Grace continues its responsible financial stewardship to ensure that we have the resources necessary to support our community and many mission activities now and into the future.

Mark Hope
Member, I of III

Mark Hope grew up in southwestern Virginia. He served for twelve years in the U.S. Army as a special operations officer. After leaving the service, he worked for The Coca-Cola Company in a variety of roles of increasing responsibility. Most of his time at Coca-Cola was in Europe, where he eventually led the company's central European business unit. After leaving Coca-Cola, Mark worked as an Operating Partner for a global private equity firm, managing a turn-around team. In 2016, he started a strategy and marketing agency called Asymmetric, where he continues to work. Mark was raised in the Methodist church but found himself drawn to the Anglican tradition and the Episcopal Church over the years. He was baptized at Grace Church in Madison. Mark's wife of 20 years and two of his three children live with him in the Nakoma neighborhood of Madison. His eldest child, Gavin, also baptized at Grace Church, is now a student at UW Eau Claire. His son, Henry, is a Senior at Edgewood High School, and his daughter, Sophie, is in the eighth grade at Edgewood Community School. Mark enjoys spending time with his family, fishing, hiking, reading, and traveling when not working.

Suzy Buenger
Member, II of III

I initially joined Grace in 2017 for its choir and music. I was quickly won over by its beauty, excellent services, progressive outreach and good works, and welcoming contacts made through choir, Foyer groups, and book, forum, and coffee hour discussions.

James Waldo
Member, II of III

Cellist James Waldo serves as Lecturer in Cello for the Mead Witter School of Music at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is also Director of the Grace Presents concert series and Cello Instructor for the Madison Country Day School. James performs regularly as a chamber musician with Midsummer’s Music in Door County and can be heard regularly in concert with the Edgewood Chamber Orchestra and the Madison Bach Musicians.

Before moving to Madison in 2017, James lived and worked in New York City, where he received a Master of Music degree and a Professional Studies Diploma from Mannes College, the New School for Music. While in New York, James served as principal cellist of the Cecilia Chorus of NY from 2015-2019, performed with the New York Pops Orchestra, and co-founded the Listen Closely Chamber Music Initiative, a collective of locally based musicians giving free live chamber music performances in the public gathering spaces of uptown Manhattan.

Rob Lemanske
Member, I of III

I am currently a tenured professor in the Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine within the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, where I served as a tenured faculty member for over 35 years. Pertinent to this position I have served in various leadership positions including being the head of the Division of Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology within the Medical School; Chair of the American Board of Allergy and Immunology; President of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology; President of the Friends of the Overture Concert Organ (affiliate of the Madison Symphony Orchestra); Chair of the Welcoming Committee of Grace Episcopal Church (Madison); an Usher for Grace Church; and a member of the Grace Choir.

Tom Felhofer

John Andrews
Clerk of the Vestry

I was raised in the Anglican Church of Canada. I met my wife, Sally, as a graduate student in California. We were married there in 1976 and moved to Wisconsin, where I had been offered a faculty position in the Plant Pathology Department at UW-Madison. I retired in 2011, about the time that we joined Grace Church. Since then we have served the parish in various ways.

Edith-Marie Green

Member, I of III

I moved to Madison and joined Grace in August of 2023, although I have been an Episcopalian for my entire life. I am originally from Mississippi and relocated to Madison to pursue a PhD in population health sciences at UW-Madison, where my research focus is aging and end-of-life healthcare. In Mississippi, I attended diocesan convention many times as a youth delegate, college delegate, and page, and I was also president of my campus ministry at the University of Mississippi, the Episcopal Church at Ole Miss. Additionally, I sang in the choir at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Oxford, MS. Upon moving to Madison, I volunteered at last year’s convention for the Diocese of Milwaukee and the special convention in May, in addition to attending the General Convention for the Episcopal Church in June as part of the Young Adult Festival. I am a member of St. Francis House Episcopal Student Center at UW-Madison; I currently serve as the finance chair at St. Francis House. At Grace, I have continued singing in the choir, and I am also on the pride committee and the pastoral care committee. The presence of God and the Episcopal Church in my life is a constant that I am deeply grateful for, and in my work studying public health I seek to fulfill the church’s mission of serving Christ in others by promoting the well-being of our communities. I would like to serve on vestry because I think it is important that younger people are involved in church leadership and governance. The youth are the future of the church and have valuable viewpoints. If elected to serve on the vestry, I hope to be able to, in addition to contributing what gifts I have, learn from those who have been involved in the church for longer and take those lessons into helping Grace and its congregation be the best representation of Christ’s love we can be.

Paul Quinn
Member, I of II

I began attending Grace in 2017 following a fifty-year estrangement from religion.

It has greatly enhanced my efforts to experience spirituality and to better understand who Christ was. But, more than anything, I have simply enjoyed the congeniality of the congregation.

Grace's emphasis on establishing a welcoming community is of central importance to me. My reason for choosing Grace rather than another church had nothing to do with doctrine. Rather, it was a consequence of the fact that Grace, alone among all the churches, had provided a night-time homeless shelter in Madison for over thirty years. The expectation of a charitable and compassionate bunch of people evoked by that fact was completely borne out.

Being an accepted member of the community was everything to 1st-century Jews. God knows we need to restore that sense of belonging and security today.

Hope I can help.

Kenn JeSchonek
Member, I of III

I’ve been attending Grace since 1978. I also met my wife, Gwen, at Grace and we were married in 1978. I’ve been on Vestry several times, I’ve been on the finance committee, the Grace Fund board, and the Development Fund Trust (each several times). I volunteer for the food pantry three times a week. I’ve been an acolyte, an usher, a Sunday school teacher, was Stewardship chair for several years, and take photos for Grace Presents, grant proposals, and the parish website. You might say that I’ve seen it all and done it all… several times. Being on the Vestry is an honor and a privilege, in the making of Grace Church’s past, present and future.